Evening alll..... My blog has been through a makeover by my sis.... Last nite, she text me n told me not to be surprise when logging in my blog.... It turns out that she had 'renovated' it... Hihihi.... The best sis ever.... Thank u mama.... Muuuuahhhh....

Today, actually there's a shake party at Lynn's office but can't make it coz in the office now finishing loads n loads of work... Argggghhhh when will all these works finish... like people always say "kerja, mana boley habis" hmmmm.... Tiring sometimes.....

Anyway, this morning didn't take shake in the morning coz I woke up late.... Huhuhu.... Went to bed at 3 last nite. Yes... working and yes... I also work at home. U know, "susah2 dahulu, senang kemudian" although come to think of it kan.... Always susah... senang ade la sometimes but never always..... Maybe someday huh?

So, why didnt I take the shake this morning? Coz, if I took the shake at 11.00 a.m. then by the time lunch at 1.00 p.m., I won't be able to eat. So, rather than missing my lunch which is the only time that I look forward to every day since I started taking Herbalife, I deliberately missed my breakfast. So, enjoyed my lunch thoroughly just now. Nyum nyum nyum...

Lynn called today asking how I was doing. She's a good instructor it seems coz she always say, I sell result, I don't sell product... So, I am expected to slim down or else, face her wrath! Gulp! N then she gave me good news. It seems that my friend, Guna is interested in the product which means yeay.... kac hing! (Sound of cash register! Hihihi.... ). They are gonna meet up on Monday n will update you guys....

So, that's all for today I guess... After work, maybe going out to nursery to look for soil. Thinking of planting vegetable at the back of the house coz I have to eat lots of vegetable soup kannn.... So, it would be healthier I guess... No racun serangga??? Hihihi.... May or may not see u guys tomorrow depends on the internet line at home.... Having a very bad connection nowadays....



MamaFaMi on January 16, 2010 at 7:49 AM said...

Salaam tuan rumah. Amboi 'jack' baikkkkk nampak! Ahaks.. Tak pe, kipas la selalu ye.. hihihi...

Lee on January 17, 2010 at 7:04 AM said...

Hi, looks like you have very active days.
Just have fun and keep well. Best regards, Lee.

my precious (^zie^) on February 1, 2010 at 8:07 AM said...

kak kam ....amek blk ke herbalife .. selamat berdiet eh .. hehehe ...

my precious (^zie^) on February 1, 2010 at 8:07 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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