2nd day Herbalife

Hi alllll.... I guess in conjunction to my slimming progress, I'll be coming in here on daily basis. Some sort of my diary or journal. So, that I myself can monitor my progress.... Still havent put in the pic promised yesterday coz Lynn still hasn't email me the pic that she and Joyce had taken. So,

Dear Diary.....

2nd day Herbalife.... 1st day, according to my coach, I passed with flying colors.... Hahahaha.... I've managed to finish 5.5 liters of water. So, according to her, for beginners, that's very good.... Although I didn't tell her that I curik one kuih bauhulu. Need something sweet to taste. Hihihi.... Ooopssss hope Lynn doesn't read this.....

Today, as usual, morning, 1 shake and nothing else. In the afternoon, I ate some sort of pilaf rice, Iranian style and roasted chicken. Unexpectedly, Lynn yelled at me for taking the roasted chicken coz I just started n therefore have to eat some sort of steam chicken or chicken soup. How should I know. Finally when I kept asking her what kind of food I can eat, she said "Aiyah... u eat vegetable soup only lah." Aiyoyo..... Can survive ah like that? Have to, I guess...

Today managed again to finish 5.5 liters of water. But I might add another 0.5 liters before I go to bed tonite. Who knows???? The night's still young.... Heh heh heh

Oh! By the way, I may have gotten 1 client today. My supplier came to the office and saw my Herbalife bag and asked me if I'm taking Herbalife.... So, how was it, she asked.... I said okay especially on the energy level and out of the blue, she said, "I'm interested lah.... Can I take or not?" Waaaaaa good business.... Just 2 days and already a potential down line. So, I call up Lynn and hope to hear good news from her soon.....

Hmmm.... I should have taken the pilaf rice picture kan? Now, I've got no pic to post. Note to self, take picture before eating..... That's all for today then..... Bye....


my precious (^zie^) on February 1, 2010 at 8:10 AM said...

eemmm .... kena paksa baru jln kan ... hehehe ... bagus bagus bagus ....

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