Word from the author...hihihi....

Hiiii... Today would be the first day that I start my blog... Hmmmm.... no idea what to tell n no idea what to write... Just tipikal human being behaviour... What others have, I must have... What others try, I must try... What others continue, I STOPPED...

When I say today is the first day.... I really mean today is the first day... Previously this blog was setup n updated by my darling sis... MamaFaMi ... yes... she's the one with all the cooking.... n me with all the working 24-7....

Before this, all my post, whatever 2 line post that I did lah, all went to my facebook.... So, I guess I'm more updated there then here... Coz, there, I only need to express my opinion with 2 lines where as here, I need think about sentences n I'm not good with sentences... Especially if its done in Malay coz I SOUND STUPID WHEN I SPEAK MALAY... Oopppsss macam pernah ku dengar tapi di mana ya??? Hahaha... Sorry Amani.... (Just kidding...). Anyway... still got no idea what to write... I mean, I have many stories... grandmother story u might say lah... I can story u bout my collegues, or bout my moving soon (if I ever get to find a a house near to my office), bout my babies (2 ekor n berbulu... huh?), bout my craft business (if anyone is interested, please email me...) or I can tell u bout my boring life orrrr I could tell u bout my family.... Hmmm.... for somebody who says that she dont know what to say, this doesnt sound like it huh?

Bout my family: I have 1 father (passed away on 24th December 2008 - Alfatihah... Semoga Allah Mencucuri Rahmat ke atas Rohnye),1 father in law, 1 mother, 1 mother in law, 1 sister, 1 brother in law, 1 brother, 6 sister in laws, 1 husband, 17 nieces, 7 nephews n 8 grandchildren... Yessss (sigh) I have grandchildren.... I'll leave u with these infos for u to ponder n I'll try to be back tomorrow....

Kind regards,


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The Life of Lee & Qay ♣ ♣ ♣ Mamanunes Templates ♣ ♣ ♣ Inspiração: Templates Ipietoon
Ilustração: Gatinhos - tubes by Jazzel (Site desativado)